The freedom and power of accepting total-responsibility:
Admitting total responsibility for all of your past bad choices is not about going on some guilt trip, it’s about accepting your total freedom and power to change.
Behaving responsibly, means that you that you have the physical, intellectual and emotional abilities to carry out a demand (either from yourself or others), whilst also preventing anyone getting hurt or damaged by your choices or actions
Behaving irresponsibly, means that you are undertaking to carry out such an an overbearing demand (either from yourself or others) you are going to break through the safety net of a good-law that would otherwise save you from falling onto crime's ever plunging floor.
The bad news is that, you will always be influenced by irresponsible overbearing demands.
The good news is that, because only you have total responsibility for all of your choices, then only you can have the ultimate choice of whether you fall for any irresponsible demands or influences.