Moral-vertigo: is the fear of reaching greater moral heights.
Reaching for a place of higher morality can be both courageous and frightening. However, just as someone who is suffering from a vertigo attack (the fear of physical heights) can find stability by focusing on a stabilizing, reference point, so it is with moral-vertigo.
With physical-vertigo, the stabilizing reference point might be a nearby patch of solid ground, a distant horizon, or a nearby solid rock. With moral-vertigo, the stabilizing reference point can be any image or a phrase that symbolizes you overcoming your fear of falling for a crime urge.
One of my stabilizing reference points, is a vision of a sunlit, steadily rising road that has series of roadside mile stones. On each stone there is engraving of a truth about crime; such as crime never pays what it ******* promises, or, an engraving of one of the rewards to be gained from following a law-abiding path; such as the expanding rewards gained from empathy. You of course, can choose any of your own stabilizing truths to help you on your way to a higher moral plateau.
P.S. Once I’m on morally higher ground, I like to take a few moments to enjoy the view.
Note: When trying to rescue someone else from a precarious situation, let it be known that you not only have the strength to stand your ground, but also the strength to let go should your situations start to twist around. Moreover, that the help-line you offer will remain along with all your strengths, but just like you – it will not go to any lengths.