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Mistrusting the crime - rather than yourself.


It's far far better to mistrust the crime than to mistrust yourself.


Tigers think of steamy jungles, bankers think of money bundles, children think of school playtime, whilst even the sweetest of angels can be fascinated by crime - but a conscience without its owner’s trust can turn any thought into - a lust!



If a person feels guilty, or over condemns them self for even thinking or fantasying about committing some sort of crime/wrong, then one of the most tragic types of mistakes can happen is, that such misplaced self-condemnation becomes the (hard to spot) missing link between wanting to be good - and somehow ending up doing some, “How the hell did that happen?” crime - through believeing in some hyped up excessive expectation that a person (or any outside supplier) will attach to a crime or wronging,



It is important, to realize that excessive expectations in themselves, can and do, make us more vulnerable to excessive and unrealistic ways of thinking, choosing, and behaving. In addition, and regardless of how persuasive the hype of crime is, it’s also worth remembering:

You really don’t have to mime the lyrics, to understand the meaning of the song.”


A useful alternative quote for any excessive expectations is:

“Excess leads to ex-success!”


Additional Notes: Although feeling guilty can serve as useful stop-gap, guilt alone, will not fulfil the gap left by the absence or reduction of any Life-qualities needed to lead and enjoy a decent life.


Some national, social and religious institutions try to install an ethos of misplaced guilt; by claiming that you should feel guilty because you are more likely to lead a bad life without the support of their wisdom (i.e. If you're not with us then you must be against us).


However, so far as this page is concerned: Leading a fulfilling and good life, simply for the sake of goodness itself, is in itself, worth your well placed support.




By remembering that we  all think or fantasize about committing crime, then rather than condemning yourself and your conscience for even thinking of a wrongful act.


1: Recognize that although any thoughts or urges about crime can make for a really great fantasy – it's also makes for a really dumb reality! 


2: Start thinking of mistrusting the crime - rather than yourself.


3: Create alternative songs that will counteract the excessive claims of a crime fantasy or urge. 



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