Victim denial is neither good nor brave.
There is no shame in acknowledging that some of your Life-qualities may have been damaged by being victimised by a crime – that’s why they make crimes wrong in the first place!
However, it is also quite natural to try and use victim denial to disguise or camouflage that you may be vulnerable from being damaged. Unfortunately, if someone is in victim denial, then by using the false logic, “Well, if didn’t cause any harm to me before, then it won’t cause any harm now,” he or she will be less likely to try and protect them self (or others), from similar dangerous situations or crimes - or set out to reclaim and heal their damaged Life-qualities.
Note: Beware Malevolent Martyrdom. Some victims will become so frightened or angry at any attempts to remove their camouflage of victim denial, they will even sabotage their own attempts at living a relatively undamaged life. Thus, creating a spiral of self-victimisation that will be far more unjust than it needs to be.
1: Make a list of any damage that may have been caused by the crime, such as, feelings of lack of power, paranoia, self-rejection etc.
2: Take time and advice about what Life-qualities that may have been harmed or neglected by the crime, such as, empathy/self-respect/openness/honesty/accepting responsibility/self-control/forgiveness /generosity /patience/forethought /gratitude/politeness/cleanliness etc.
3: Make a commitment in your life, to re-claim and heal those Life-qualities.
4: Practice any reclaimed Life-quality by including it in your daily lifestyle.